Our Review Of Jason Bond Picks

Is Jason Bond Picks worth trying and what are the pros and cons of Jason Bond Picks? Who should give it a try? If you want to find out the answers to these questions and find out what it is, then continue to read this review and learn more about Jason Bond Picks.

What Is It

It’s a stock picking service. If you head over to his website, you’ll find that there are two programs (at the time of this writing) and you can become a member of his service/website. This is where you get access to a lot of stuff. With that said, below are the pros and cons about Jason Bond Picks.


One of the best things about Jason Bond Picks is you’ll receive text and email alerts in real-time. You will be alerted to new trades or on trades that are about to be closed out. The main goal is to make up for 20% gains per trade you do, and with real-time alerts, then this is possible. You might be surprised at the gains you make regularly when you receive alerts and take action.

Another good thing is the chat room you’ll have access to. Being a member of Jason Bond Picks allows you to have access to a chat room that is filled with moderators and other traders. If you need advice or you have questions you want to ask, then you can head to the chat room and get the help you need. The chat room is very active, so you should have no problems getting the help you need.

In the chat room, you will find day trading alerts. The trading alerts are provided via Bart Van and Luke Murry. It is highly recommended that you visit the chat room to see what day trading alerts are being given out.

You’ll love receiving a morning email with useful information. In your daily morning email, you’ll find out what the plan is for the day and what stocks are about to be traded. Jason’s outlook on the market is also provided in the email.

Perhaps the best thing of all is the training on Jason’s site. It is second to none and it is packed with a lot of useful information, and it’s all available from one place. You will definitely want to set aside a bit of time and go through as much of the information as you can.

Another pro is the daily watch list, which is exactly what it sounds like. This allows you to track Jason’s open positions and what potential trades will be made. Furthermore, there’s a great affiliate program, which means you can make some money referring others to Jason Bond Picks.


There’s really only two major cons, with one being it costs money. In order to become a member, you will need to pay a subscription fee. Some people may find this fee to be fair, while others may think it is too high. You do get a lot of value for your money, therefore we think it is worth the price.

However, another con is in regards to refunds. Jason Bond Picks has a no refund policy. If you are not comfortable with this policy, then you probably shouldn’t give it a try.

Also, a lot of the stuff revolves around swing trading. If you want to make a real money, then you have to be prepared to put in quite a bit. Realistically, you should have at least $2,000 to put into it.

Should You Give It A Try

You should give Jason Bond Picks a try if you’re brand new to trading. If you have no clue on how to trade, then you will learn a lot about it. Also, if you can check the market during the hours the market operates, then this stock picking service is probably for you. Generally speaking, anyone who wants to receive good stock picks should consider Jason Bond Picks.

This stock pick service may be worth trying if you’re a newbie. If you want to learn a lot about picking stocks and have a good chance of making profits, then consider joining Jason Bond Picks. Just make sure you do additional research before making a final decision.